The Micra Pacemaker: The Newest and Smallest Pacemaker

Cardiovascular technology and procedure breakthroughs are rapidly evolving and making substantial differences for cardiac patients. One such breakthrough is the newest update in pacemaker technology – the Micra Pacemaker. It’s also the smallest pacemaker available.

The Micra Pacemaker doesn’t just rest its laurels on being the smallest pacemaker available. Its implementation and how it exists in a patient’s body is a game-changer for heart patients who have experienced difficulty with pacemakers in the past. “It’s implanted in a totally unique way,” asserts Leon Feldman, MD, FACC with Board Certifications in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease, and clinical cardiac electrophysiology. He is also Co-Director of the Electrophysiology (EP) Laboratory/Arrhythmia Center at Eisenhower Medical Center.

Saying that it’s implanted in a unique way may be an understatement. Patients experience this wireless pacemaker in a radically different and improved way than past pacemaker versions with no visible device under the skin. Dr. Feldman demonstrates what makes the Micra pacemaker so appealing to patients in this video.

In this Health Insights video blog – The Micra Pacemaker: The Newest and Smallest Pacemaker – Dr. Feldman informs and helps us understand the substantial benefits of this breakthrough technology, including:

  • How the Micra Pacemaker works
  • Patient advantages
  • Implementation
  • Downtime and recovery
  • Who benefits from the Micra Pacemaker

The Eisenhower Desert Cardiology Center began using the Micra Pacemaker in the Spring of 2021 and has had successful implementations and happy patients.

Take a moment out of your busy day and treat your health as a priority – watch this short video, read the update to the community, and share this information with your friends and family, too. More great VIDEO information is also available for you at the Eisenhower Video Library. Do you also enjoy AUDIO? Visit the Eisenhower Audio Podcast Library as well for a wide range of healthcare information!

Meet Dr. Feldman: Dr. Feldman’s Video Introduction

More Content from Dr. Feldman:

Why Should I Care About Atrial Fibrillation – AFib? (podcast)

The Watchman Device (video)

Lead Extraction (video)

Cardiology Video Playlist: Cardiology Medical Minute Series



U.S. News & World Report has released its prestigious annual hospital rankings. Eisenhower Health ranks #1 in the Inland Empire and #12 in California. Eisenhower Health was also rated High Performing in 20 types of care — the highest number of specialty recognitions earned by a hospital in the Inland Empire, including five specialty recognitions in Cardiology: Aortic Valve Surgery, Heart Attack, Heart Bypass Surgery, Heart Failure and Stroke.

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